Dance films in Danseatelier

in solidarity with Palestine

19th of June 2024 17:00

Dance films and films about dance by artists from Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora, manifesting how dance is life, embodied knowledge and memory as resistance against the occupation and genocide happening in Palestine. This is a fundraiser event for Doctors without Borders.


doors open at 17:00...

our songs were ready for all wars to come - by Noor Abed

you need me - by Mette Loulou von Kohl


out of joint - by Noor Abed

A surprise screening of a documentary film produced in the UK and Palestine

Entrance fee: Sliding scale between 80-150 kr. via Mobilepay.

We will sell beer, wine, and some light dinner. All the income goes to the humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders.

We hope to gather as many as possible. We are looking forward to see you!

Please read further descriptions of the films below


'our songs were ready for all wars to come' - 2021 by Noor Abed
super 8mm film, w/ sound - 20min

Choreographed scenes based on documented folktales from Palestine, the film aims to create a new aesthetic form to re-awaken latent stories based around water wells and their connection to communal rituals around notions of disappearance, mourning, and death. our songs were ready for all the wars to come explores the critical stance of ‘folklore’ as a source of knowledge, and its possible connection to alternative social and representational models in Palestine. How can ‘folklore’ become a common emancipatory tool for people to overturn dominant discourses, reclaim their history and land, and rewrite reality as they know it? The only narration in the film is a song, which is sung by Palestinian singer Maya Khaldi. Its lyrics are a collage of different folk tales. Captured through mediums of film and sound, situated stories are archived and represented, creating a context that explores the capacity of social formation, and the possibility of recalling a memory that is capable of decentralizing images of fixity; a memory that is liberated from monuments.

Noor Abed (Palestine) works at the intersection of performance and film. Abed attended the Whitney Independent Study Program in Νew York in 2015-16, and the Home Workspace Program (HWP) at Ashkal Alwan, Beirut 2016-17. In 2020, she co-founded, with Lara Khaldi, the School of Intrusions, an independent educational collective in Ramallah, Palestine. Abed was an assistant curator in documenta fifteen, kassel 2021-22. She is currently an artist in resident at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam 2022-24 and was recently awarded the Han Nefkens Foundation/Fundació Antoni Tàpies Video Art Production Grant 2022.

'you need me' by Mette Loulou von Kohl
17 min

you need me - is a meditation on power and the identity of the zionist state. The work explores how the zionist state’s identity is contingent on formulating Palestinians as perpetual terror. Through contemplations on intimacy, sensuality, and kink layered across the landscape of my body, the work asks how the Palestinian body can subvert this power-relationship thrusted upon it, and by doing so redefine the identity of zionist state as fallacy and fantasy.

Conceived/performed by: Mette Loulou von Kohl
Director: Stephanie Acosta
DP: James Tate
Editor: Stephanie Acosta
Produced by Intrinsic Grey Productions (2022)

Mette Loulou was born from the orange at the center before the new world came. She is a queer femme, of Lebanese/Palestinian and Danish descent. She has lived in New York, Romania, Morocco, Denmark and England. Mette Loulou is fascinated by the intersection between her personal identities as a jumping off point to reveal, dismantle and rebuild realities and dreams. She grapples with her past to complicate and better understand her present. Mette Loulou weaves movement, words, and objects into the exploration of her embodied histories. She exists in two places at once.

'out of joint' - 2018 by Noor Abed
16mm film digital transfer & SD (Standard Definition) video, 10:40’, silent

Combining 16mm footage of a staged dance of two men, and documentary SD footage (pre –wedding celebration in Palestine), the work highlights the affinities and tensions between performativity and performance. – One of a staged choreography, the other of one culturally embodied, while the third develops through editing.
The work is inspired by the concept of ‘nostalgia for the future’ as a manifestation of a specific cultural moment; a formal nostalgia of the current moment that deals with our incapability of producing the ‘new’, the ‘now’, leaving us therefore, with an endless return of dead forms

A surprise screening of a documentary film produced in the UK and Palestine !!

Come and watch!