Core studies is a workshop programme running throughout 2023-2026 with the aim of strengthening learning processes and critical reflection.
The integration and borrowing of Eastern traditional knowledge and practices (yoga, meditation...) in Western movement and somatic practices raises an array of questions, not only related to the concept of cultural appropriation but also to the ways these traditions are often absorbed by neoliberal, self-development and wellbeing rhetorics. Starting with the interconnection between Western and Eastern maps of the body in Technosomatics and the specific genealogy of the integration of the map of the chakras in this practice as a starting point, this conversation will address and problematize the question of the origins (cultural, experiential, scientific...) of specific fields of knowledge and the concept of cultural appropriation, in relation to movement, somatic practices.
Saturday 30th November
10.00-12.30: Dance/physical session
12.30-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-14.30: Conversation session
14.30-15.00: Last dance/physical session
Free entrance
Location: Danseatelier, Blegdamsvej 18A, København, 2200.
Accessibility: Danseatelier is located on the second floor. Unfortunately there is no elevator.
There will be tea and coffee, but bring your own lunch with you.
Write an email to
Photo: Thomas Zamolo
Grafik: Snorre Elvin
The workshop will include a practical session and a conversation session.
Technosomatics is a dance and somatic practice I started to practice secretly on my own, on the dance floor in 2005, long before I started to formalize it and share it, from 2013 onwards. It consists of a collective and individual exploration of the endocrine glands (the major chemical system of our body) and the chakras (energy centers) through club dancing to techno music as wells as the opposite: an exploration of club dancing by means of embodying the endocrine glands and the chakras. It is mostly practiced with eyes closed, often in a pitch-dark room, although any environment, including outdoors, can fit the practice. The practice privileges the experiential body (vs. the body as an objet of study) and explores anatomical maps, which both match and deviate from the mainstream scientific map of the body. The practice connects to both the field of somatics (movement eduction practices) and to techno dance cultures. It originates in the interconnection between my encounters with diverse somatic practices and in my dance experience on the dance floor, in techno clubs and raves. Approaching club dancing as a somatic practice and as a form of meditation in movement, it explores trancelike states of consciousness and acknowledges the healing potential of the act of dancing. It also approaches club dance as a tool for individual and collective exploration of the experience of the self and of the collective. It also aims at expanding the range of our perceptions and at deepening our understanding of the body. The practice doesn’t require any specific prior background in dance or in somatics.
Dabke dance for resistance is a physical and discursive workshop led by Sara Gebran.
Dabke is a folkloric dance representative of Palestine, Lebanon, Syrian, Iraq, and Jordan. It is a communal dance performed at weddings, parties and when done on stage, includes more complex movements and jumps. During the workshop we will explore, both by dancing and discussing, what it means to dance dances in solidarity and as resistance in the context of the Palestanian genocide. What does it mean to appropriate a dance, to suspend our identities to identify ourselves with others?
“… an impossible identification-an identification with the bodies of the Algerians beaten to death and thrown into the Seine by the French police, in the name of the French people, in October 1961. We could not identify with those Algerians, but we could question our identification with the "French people" in whose name they had been murdered” J. Rancière“ 1992"
Those interested in learning more Dabke can follow Sara’s upcoming workshops and performances:
12th May @kunstparede
16th May at Metropolis Lab, 14.00-15.00
18th May at Metropolis Lab, 17.30-18.30
8th June at Forsøgstationen, 10.20-11.00
28th September at the Law Department Copenhagen University.
7th October, The Forests Trial performance at Metropolis Festival.
Saturday 9th June 2024
10-12.30: Physical workshop
12.30-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-15.00: Conversation
15.00-16.00: Final dance
Free entrance
Location: Danseatelier, Blegdamsvej 18A, København, 2200.
Group age: 12 years old and up.
Accessibility: Danseatelier is located on the second floor. Unfortunately there is no elevator.
There will be tea and coffee, but bring your own lunch with you.
We welcome donations for the Palestinian cause.
If you know in advance that you would like to attend then sign up by writing an email to, otherwise you are always welcome to just turn up on the day.
Grafik: Snorre Elvin
The workshop will be centered around Marie Kaae's principle dance language, Housedance. Beside rhythmical footwork the workshop will also involve floorwork, flow and groove. The aim is to achieve emancipation in total unity with the music both Soulfull and Deep House.
The genre is in its essence a social dance which grew from the afro- and latin american club culture in the 90's as a fusion between a lot of different genres. Today it's practiced throughout the indepentant scene around the world.
The aim is to give you, the participants, a foundation from where we try to incorporate the bodily experience you already have from other forms of training. This we will do through improvisation/freestyle, where only the music and your fantasy creates the frame. Expect to get both soul and mind stimulated :)
In the conversation on Saturday will we go though the history of the genre, the leading principles and some of the pioneers. We will talk about where the culture is today and why anti-racism is so important to actively practice. In connection to this we will also reflect on the advantages and defects by acting from the heart and the ego in dance as well life.
Saturday 9th September 2023
10-12: Physical workshop
12-13: Lunch break
13-14.30: Conversation
Sunday 10th September
12-14: Physical workshop
Price: 50 kr for the whole weekend / registration fee.
Location: Danseatelier, Blegdamsvej 18A, København, 2200.
Accessibility: Danseatelier is located on the second floor. Unfortunately there is no elevator.
There will be tea and coffee, but bring your own lunch with you.
Remember sneakers (preferably with white soles).
Sign up by writing an email to
Foto: Kenneth K. Rasmussen
Grafik: Snorre Elvin
For questions about Core Studies contact Nanna Stigsdatter Mathiassen and Emilia Gasiorek at
Core Studies is supproted by the Danish Arts Foundation and Roskilde Festival Fonden