Snorre Elvin is a dancer and choreographer based in Copenhagen. Currently he’s doing his MA in choreography at The Danish National School of Performing Arts where he also graduated as a dancer in 2015. He’s a part of the Copehangen dance collective danseatelier and has been working with the international collective dance for plants through several years. 

He works in a close collaboration with Nanna Stigsdatter on riverine dance performances and with Peter Scherrebeck and Katrine Staub on making porous nests which dance can exist. 

He has been performing for Pedro Goméz-Egaña, Esben Weile Kjær, Tina Tarpgaard, Martin Forsberg and Naima Mazic amongst others.


pour it

with Nanna Stigsdatter

Åben Dans

20th+21st of May 2021


24+25+26 of September 2021

Mermaid(s) of the Hypersea

with Peter Scherrebeck


July 2021

BIG BANG - Collective Matter

with Svalholm Dans

Århus Teater

Spetember 2021

Mermaid of the Hypersea

with myself

Göteborgs dans- och teaterfestival

Autumn 2021